Sunday, September 30, 2012
Confession #34: I was a vegetarian for years
If I told anyone that knows me today that I was a vegetarian for several years, they would probably laugh in my face. But here is the honest truth. I love animals and I am not convinced that anything deserves to die for me. I am 100% opposed to animal cruelty, abuse, and torture.
I guess I have several dilemmas when it comes to living the vegetarian lifestyle, which is why I am no longer a vegetarian. First of all, my undeniable craving for red meat is truly an every day battle. I knew when I first became a vegetarian that it wasn't going to be easy; however, it was even harder than I imagined. Every day I would pass billboards for burgers, watch commercials for steak restaurants, and witness what seemed like everyone I knew chowing down on some kind of meat. I felt like I had just quit smoking and temptation was everywhere. I was definitely not one of those vegetarians that could say, "oh I wasn't really that crazy about meat anyway" or "I just really love vegetables". I was the vegetarian that wanted to end suffering but drooled over anything that contained meat. Thankfully, this is my most embarrassing reason why I am no longer a vegetarian. I find it is best to embarrass yourself in the beginning of your blog post so that you have time to redeem yourself.
Second reason: living as a vegetarian while everyone around you and everyone who lives with you eats meat...makes it next to impossible. I became a vegetarian after my mother decided to try it for the same reasons. She would cook a meal for me and her, and then a separate meal for my brother and father. I know she got tired of this very quickly. But, I will point out that my mother has willpower that I do not possess. She is still a vegetarian to this day. After I moved away for college, I realized how difficult it was to get a nutritious vegetarian meal when you are broke. I lived in a dorm and my source of food came from the campus dining hall. Their dining choices were so limited that I found myself eating a bagel and a salad for lunch and dinner every single day. Not only was I dealing with personal struggles, I was also coping with peer pressure. Essentially, my friends all thought I was some weird hippie and they would always try to tempt me into eating meat.
And my final (but probably my most important) reason was due to health concerns. Due to being very deficient in certain vitamins, not eating meat worsened my situation. It was towards the end of my first year of college that I finally caved and gave up being a vegetarian. I do regret it sometimes because I was doing something that was important to me and I felt like I was making a difference. It is something that I will probably try again in the future, but for now I will have to do my part in alternative ways. I have a lot of respect for people that are able to maintain that lifestyle.
Saturday, September 29, 2012
Confession #33: I hate it when my appointments get canceled
This is what I may have looked like today when my happy butt drove 35 minutes across town for a hair appointment, only to find out that my hair dresser didn't feel well and already went home for the day. Cool. Oh and they can't reschedule me for a month. Even cooler. Here's to hoping that the unintentional ombre look is a good one.
(*Please note that I am not completely a cold-hearted woman and I do hope that my hair dresser feels better soon).
Friday, September 28, 2012
Confession #32: I am bad at making cupcakes
It's a sad, but true story. I watch cooking shows and read recipes and I always think, "Wow...I could do that". But sadly, no. My attempt at making chocolate chip butter cream cupcakes was a fail. They taste pretty good but they look terrible. I put the homemade icing into a plastic sandwich bag, cut a hole, and tried to make pretty decorations but it was just a big let down. I couldn't even get the cupcakes into a round shape. Most of them ended up looking like four-leaf clovers (but hey, they could be a big hit for St. Patty's Day). I will just have to make sure to only feed my concoctions to men---they are the only ones who can look past food presentation (and sometimes even taste) and chow down.
If you want to try to make these cupcakes yourself, Martha Stewart has a really great recipe:
Chocolate Chip Cupcakes
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Confession #31: I only drink organic milk
For a long time I drank organic milk just because that is all my mother would buy for us. I never questioned why. When I graduated high school and moved across the state for college, I was presented with a dilemma. At my grocery store, a half-gallon of non-organic milk costs $2.49, whereas a half-gallon of organic milk costs $3.79. That means I can buy 3 half-gallons of non-organic milk or 2 half-gallons of organic milk. I'm sorry, but a broke college student is going to pick the cheapest option every time. That extra money will most likely be spent on dollar tacos at Taco Bell.
So when I finally got curious as to why people choose to spend more money on organic milk, the research astounded and disgusted me. I will point out some interesting facts for you to mull over (from here and here):
- Farmers are treating cows with a hormone called rbST to increase milk production. Some researchers have found that this hormone can lead to cancer of the colon, breast and prostate.
- Many cows that are treated with rbST develop a condition called mastitis, which causes the farmers to treat the cows with antibiotics. This, in turn, causes milk-drinking humans to develop an increased resistance to antibiotics.
- Cows are also treated with reproductive hormones. It is unknown what kind of damage this can cause to humans but come can't be good.
- Organic milk contains more essential omega-3 fatty acids.
- Organic milk comes from cows that are fed grass, instead of feed that can contain meat and growth hormones.
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
Confession #30: I am a Libra!
According to astrology, "Librans too are among the most civilized of the twelve zodiacal characters and are often good looking." So clearly I was meant to be a Libra ;). Jokes, jokes. But on a more serious note, I am social and compassionate which is symbiotic with being a Libra. I would readily admit that one of my biggest character flaws is that I am too sympathetic. I allow people to walk all over me while maintaining a smile.
Strangely enough, the Libra is the only sign that is neither an animal nor a human. It is the only inanimate object. Our scales represent our need for justice and total balance. If you have ventured through some of my older posts, you may have stumbled across Confession #4: I am a good-natured realist. In the beginning of this post, I mentioned that people always perceive me as being a very sociable extrovert; however, when I take personality tests, I usually come out as an introvert. As I was researching Libras, I found it very interesting that this can be typical of Libras. This site states that
"[Libras] can be quiet and shy if not persuaded to come out of their shell. Ironically and in spite of their introverted nature they make excellent debaters, often proving a point from out of seemingly nowhere."
I am not sure if our zodiac signs really do play a role in our day to day lives, but I find it comforting that we can look to astrology to begin to define ourselves.
Tuesday, September 25, 2012
Confession #29: Three months until Christmas and I am way too excited.
I am probably the only person in the world who gets excited when Christmas is 3 months away. It's not about Father Christmas (lol) or the presents. It's about family time and, as corny as it sounds, the traditions of Christmas.
Every year on Christmas, I wake up to the sound of my mother's favorite CD of European Christmas songs and the smell of the turkey already in the oven. I come downstairs and my mom begs me to eat breakfast but I refuse and tell her that I am saving my stomach for dinner. We open presents together and I am just so thankful that I am surrounded by people that I love. It is pretty great to look around and see people who have been added to the family (and let me just add that I am so excited to have nieces and nephews in the future).
After presents, we just lay around and wait for mom to tell us that she burned the parsnips for the 10th year in a row. We always offer to help her in the kitchen but she always refuses. In the past couple of years, however, she has let me make cornbread muffins. Since we are not from America, this is a very new and strange item at our feast.
Christmas dinner is always wonderful. We keep to the European tradition and pull Christmas Crackers with each other (if you don't know what that is, it is a colorfully wrapped tube that 2 people pull like a wishbone and there are surprises inside). We wear paper hats and tell each other jokes....we are a pretty goofy family.
And every Christmas night, we play board games. I know reading about my traditions is probably not very entertaining, but I just get so excited about it. The only thing that would make Christmas better would be if it snowed for once!
Monday, September 24, 2012
Confession #28: I am a sucker for pumpkin scented candles.
The first day of fall has come and gone. And just as if mother nature knew, the good old southern state I live in finally cooled down yesterday. I was able to wear one of my new infinity scarves and I even ogled over some fall boots. But nothing screams fall to me like pumpkin candles. It is such a good feeling to come home and open my front door and smell pumpkin and cinnamon in the air. I think the only better smell in the world would be the aroma of a pumpkin pie in the oven.
Sunday, September 23, 2012
Confession #27: I am iPhone clueless.
So, I had two people tell me in less than 24 hours that they had "noticed" that I have not updated my iPhone. My initial reaction was "how in the hell do they know that" and my second reaction was "what the hell is an iPhone update".
Yes, I have had an iPhone for over a year and a half but clearly no one informed me that you are supposed to update the software. Oops! So, as they just came out with iOS6 and I had iOS4.2.1 (lol), I decided to update my iPhone.
Let me put it this way. That stuff is not easy! It turns out I never update my iTunes either so I had to update that first which took FOREVER. And since my phone was so behind in updates, I had to go through several updates to get to iOS6. And my phone and computer were not happy about this. Both crashed many many many times. Yup, it took me 5 hours. But I am now officially updated in the iPhone world.
Saturday, September 22, 2012
Confession #26: Memes make me laugh.
I have a particular weakness for Reddit which is a social website where people submit content and other users vote it up or down. I find a lot of funny memes on there :).
Friday, September 21, 2012
Confession #25: I desperately want to learn Spanish.
If I had a second of free time, I would learn Spanish. I think it is such a beautiful language. The way it rolls off the tongue, the rolling of the r's...I just love all of it. When I was in high school, I chose to take French classes instead of Spanish. I regret that now. I am hoping one day that I will have the time to learn it. If I ever learn, people will have to beg me to speak English!
Thursday, September 20, 2012
Confession #24: Everything tastes better wrapped in bacon.
Let's be honest. Pretty much everything edible tastes better when it is wrapped in a crispy strip of bacon. Every Christmas my parents make breakfast sausage wrapped in bacon for a side dish. Let me just say that I practically make it my entree. I will literally fight someone for the last bacon weenie.
And don't give me any of that turkey bacon crap. Don't get me's tasty and it's healthier. But nothing beats regular, all-american bacon ;).
How about those bacon wrapped jalapenos? If you like a little spice and a lot of cheese wrapped in crispy, smokey goodness....then you need to get off your computer and go make these. You can find the recipe here. Now that's a winner, honey!
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Confessions #23: I am blind as a bat.
Ok, maybe not as blind as a bat. But let's just say I don't go anywhere or do anything without my contacts in. Seriously...I won't even get out of my bed without them. As soon as my eyes open in the morning, I lean over to my bedside cabinet and get my contacts. Here's to hoping that I can get Lasik in the future!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Confession #22: The toilet paper roll should go under!
Did you know only 30% of people like their toilet paper roll under? Apparently I am a minority. But I didn't need to read that on the internet to know that. Literally no one I am friends with likes the toilet paper the way I do. Not even my family! And, maybe a more interesting fact, only 20% of people will change the orientation of their toilet paper if they think it is the wrong way. Clearly, I am a very strange person.
I know what everyone says. If it hangs over, you can grab it more easily and get an accurate number of sheets, blah blah blah. But cmon! It looks so much neater under. And if you have cats like I do, it is much harder for them to unravel the roll.
Ok. I am done ranting out TP.
Monday, September 17, 2012
Confession #21: My favorite singer? Dave Barnes.
Oh, Dave Barnes. You speak to my soul. On one of my first dates with my husband, he turned on "Nothing Fancy" in his truck. I was obsessed with Dave from the moment I first head that song. It is such a simple, beautiful song. It became our song. And when my husband and I got married, it was (of course) the song of our first dance. Whether I am elated, distraught, confused...Dave has a song for me. He takes every emotion I have and intensifies it. Let's just say I have been obsessed with Dave Barnes for many years. I finally got to see him in concert last year and he was even better live (how the hell is that possible??).
So if you have never heard of Dave Barnes, please go check him out. Here are my top 5 favorite songs in order:
1. Nothing Fancy
2. My Love, My Enemy
3. God Gave Me You
4. Graces Amazing Hands
5. I Have and I Always Will
Sunday, September 16, 2012
Confession #20: I have a Betta fish that has lived for 5 years.
According to Life of a Betta, a Betta fish that lives in a bowl has an average life span of 2-3 years. Betta is almost 5 years old. I don't feed him anything special or have him in a tank. He is just an ancient dude with the will to live.
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Confession #19: I don’t eat breakfast.
I know, I know. I am supposed to eat breakfast. It’s not because I am trying to lose weight or because I think it is healthy. I just literally can’t. It makes me feel sick to my stomach to eat anything before noon. I will feel heavy, tired, and foggy. All I need it a large cup of coffee and I am ready to go!
Friday, September 14, 2012
Confession #18: My favorite food is Indian food.
Ever since I was a baby, I have been eating Indian food. Every weekend (for most of my life), my family and I have eaten at a local Indian restaurant. I guess you could call it our “family bonding”. I don’t know if it’s because the food is so delicious or because I have experienced so many good times over Indian food, but I just can’t seem to get enough of it.
I start every meal with a vegetable samosa and a glass of Sauvignon Blanc, and for the entree I usually have Murgh Tikka Masala with a garlic naan. Seriously, it doesn’t get any better than that.
Confession #17: I hate radical atheists just as much as I hate radical Christians.
Let me put it plainly. I respect Christians. They have morals and beliefs and no matter what anybody says, most of them would do anything for others. On days that my own faith falters, I ache for that sense of knowing that they possess. I want to believe that my loved ones go somewhere beautiful when they pass on. It is such an empty feeling to think that they just disappear. That their souls are gone forever. I think that any religion based off of love and forgiveness can be a good thing.
Now, what I don’t respect, are radical Christians who dedicate their lives to enjoying suffering and causing pain. I hate to see the few, select Christians who turn Christianity into hatred. For example, the Westboro Baptist Church. They picket military funerals with signs that say things like, “Thank God for dead soldiers”. I guess I feel really strongly that everyone deserves their own opinion but hurting others to make your opinion known is unnecessary. I hate to see people dying and suffering over religion.
However, I think I hate radical atheists just as much. At least radical Christians are fighting for something that they believe in. Radical atheists are fighting for something that they don’t believe in. Don’t get me wrong, I understand and respect people who believe that there is no supreme being. It is people who take anti-Christianity too far that bother me. I have seen someone humiliate and ridicule an everyday Christian simply because their beliefs were different. But of course, I have seen it both ways and it always kills me.
For matters of politics, I do believe that debating is necessary and in some cases healthy. But for general conversation, what is the point of arguing? Why do people get so angry and take it so personally when they find out someone believes in God? Atheists and Christians seriously need to learn to coexist.
For matters of politics, I do believe that debating is necessary and in some cases healthy. But for general conversation, what is the point of arguing? Why do people get so angry and take it so personally when they find out someone believes in God? Atheists and Christians seriously need to learn to coexist.
To end this controversial blog, let me just say that I am so tired of people bashing each other. Some of you may never believe in God and some of you will never understand why people don’t. But can’t we just respect each other?
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Confession #16: The show ‘Long Island Medium’ makes me cry every time.
Yup, I am a big cry baby when it comes to this show. Theresa Caputo is a medium who meets with people who have lost loved ones and she..well…talks to the dead. Whether it is true or not, she makes me cry every time. I guess I hate to see people hurting but this show is hard not to watch. Just the idea that we go somewhere after this life is comforting.
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Monday, September 10, 2012
Confession #14: Keurig’s hot apple cider is addicting.
I love that Keurig came out with this. Every autumn I buy a big jug of apple cider and heat up mugs of it in the microwave. I either never heat it up hot enough or I heat it up so hot that I can’t touch the mug. I also have to make sure to drink it before it goes out of date….you get the point. I am so excited that I can just pop a cup into my Keurig machine, push the button, and wallah! Hot apple cider! (Plus, it’s freaking delicious!)
Sunday, September 9, 2012
Confession #13: I am crazy about clothes.
You know you like clothes a little too much when:
1. Your full-to-the-brim closet always seems empty
2. You drool over other people’s outfits on a daily basis
3. You could stare at clothes you can’t afford all day long
4. Shopping is a stress reliever
2. You drool over other people’s outfits on a daily basis
3. You could stare at clothes you can’t afford all day long
4. Shopping is a stress reliever
Saturday, September 8, 2012
Confession #12: I don’t like the dark.
That’s right. Almost every night before I go to bed I check the closet, the shower, and under the bed. I make sure that every door is locked and I keep lights on so that I can see if I have to. I wouldn’t say that I am OCD or paranoid…but I will say that living in the city has intensified my nervousness. I have witnessed shootouts right outside my window, heard police raids in neighboring residences, and listened to shouting and screaming at all hours of the night. I guess it’s safe to say that I don’t trust people.
Friday, September 7, 2012
Confession #11: I love cupcakes.
Kind of a gross fact: I lick off the icing and give the cake to someone else. I can eat the cake if I really want to...but to be honest, I am a total icing girl. However, how amazing do these caramel apple cupcakes look?? You can get the recipe here.
Thursday, September 6, 2012
Wednesday, September 5, 2012
Confession #9: I have a passion for wine.
Don’t mistake me…I am no wine connoisseur. I have been known to whisper to the waiter that I will have the cheapest you have. I have even committed the ultimate blasphemy: buying boxed wine. However, if I was a rich woman (which I am by no means), I would be traveling the world and tasting expensive wine.
I have always been impartial to white wine. I like the aroma to be sweet, the body to be light, and a little burst of fruit doesn’t hurt. My taste buds aren’t quite sophisticated enough to be an all-out reds fan. I do love a tall glass of Merlot but nothing beats Sauvignon Blanc or a Pinot Grigio to me. But I will be the first to admit that my experience is lacking (mostly due to an empty wallet).
To keep this blog short and sweet, I took a quiz to find out what kind of wine I would enjoy the most.
You should try Verdejo. Verdejo is a Spanish wine that is not as well known as Spain’s other major white wine, Albarino. Verdejo has a nose of nuts and honey and is full-bodied without being too rich, with a nice streak of brightness cutting through it.
You can take the quiz here:
I definitely have to go out and get a bottle of Verdejo now. I will let you all know how it goes :)
If you enjoy wine as much as I do, consider following an amateur wine blog. Here is one that I really enjoy:
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Confession #8: 20 Things I think everyone in their 20s should know.
In our 20s we finish college, meet life-long friends, start our careers, and create families…sure, some of us do these things earlier or later or not at all, but for the most part your life begins in your 20s. We 20-somethings may be known for being slightly reckless and sometimes naïve, but we have so much potential and enthusiasm. We are young enough to believe in anything, but old enough to turn our beliefs into reality.
This is a list of 20 things that I think every person in their 20s should understand, try, and experience:
1. Reading is good for the soul. Broaden your mind. Expand your vocabulary. If
you want to live well, you have to use your mind well.
you want to live well, you have to use your mind well.
2. Find a career that you are passionate about. We all know that the economy
is rough and that jobs are hard to come by. But you don’t have to be stuck in a
job that you hate for the rest of your life. Figure out what you are passionate
about and know that you always have options. Find people who are passionate
about the same things and explore your opportunities. The power of networking
and education is limitless.
is rough and that jobs are hard to come by. But you don’t have to be stuck in a
job that you hate for the rest of your life. Figure out what you are passionate
about and know that you always have options. Find people who are passionate
about the same things and explore your opportunities. The power of networking
and education is limitless.
3. Save for retirement. We are young and retirement feels so far away (and that
50 inch plasma looks really tempting), but saving for retirement now will put you
leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. Set a certain amount of money aside
each month and if you can, sign up for a 401(k) at work. You won’t regret it.
50 inch plasma looks really tempting), but saving for retirement now will put you
leaps and bounds ahead of everyone else. Set a certain amount of money aside
each month and if you can, sign up for a 401(k) at work. You won’t regret it.
4. If you can’t afford it, don’t buy it. Of course, this statement does not include
absolute necessities and emergencies but for the most part, don’t spend money
you don’t have. Credit cards can sometimes feel like gift cards but you’re going
to have to pay someone back eventually plus interest.
absolute necessities and emergencies but for the most part, don’t spend money
you don’t have. Credit cards can sometimes feel like gift cards but you’re going
to have to pay someone back eventually plus interest.
5. Figure out what helps you unwind. Whether it is going for a run, hanging out
with a friend, or having a glass (or two) of wine, learn what helps you distress.
with a friend, or having a glass (or two) of wine, learn what helps you distress.
6. Love without limits. Love is the most amazing thing this world has to offer.
Love big and love unconditionally.
Love big and love unconditionally.
7. Learn to cook. You might discover that you like your creations even more than
the meals served at the restaurant you go to every Friday night. You will save
money, eat healthier, and I guarantee you will have fun. Plus, doesn’t everyone
love someone who cooks??
the meals served at the restaurant you go to every Friday night. You will save
money, eat healthier, and I guarantee you will have fun. Plus, doesn’t everyone
love someone who cooks??
8. Keep up with current events. It is important to know what is going on in the
world and to make informed, social and political decisions. You will be able to
have more intelligent conversations with people.
world and to make informed, social and political decisions. You will be able to
have more intelligent conversations with people.
9. Stress is temporary. The things that you are worried about now, most likely
won’t matter in a few years. Take control of your environment, express your
feelings, learn time management, and focus on the positives in your life.
won’t matter in a few years. Take control of your environment, express your
feelings, learn time management, and focus on the positives in your life.
10. Keep a journal. Or even a blog! It will help you hold on to memories and
become more observant and creative.
become more observant and creative.
11. Trust your instincts. If something feels sketchy to you, it probably is.
12. Be who you want to be. You and only you can control your happiness. You
can’t please everyone and you shouldn’t have to. Focus on you.
can’t please everyone and you shouldn’t have to. Focus on you.
13. Never let anyone be your everything. Because if they leave, you will become
14. Friends are your chosen family. Let go of the people that bring you down and
hang on tightly to the ones that raise you up.
hang on tightly to the ones that raise you up.
15. Travel. Try new things and experience different cultures. You will fall in love with
new foods and new scenery (and maybe even a new you).
new foods and new scenery (and maybe even a new you).
16. Laugh at yourself. Laughter is good for the soul. We all do silly, stupid things.
Learning to find humor in your mistakes will make you a happier person.
Learning to find humor in your mistakes will make you a happier person.
17. Give back to the community. Meet new people, gain a new perspective, boost
your self-esteem, and know that you are needed. The more you give, the more
you will receive.
your self-esteem, and know that you are needed. The more you give, the more
you will receive.
18. Learn to forgive. Forgive yourself for your own mistakes/failures and forgive
others for hurting you. Don’t waste your life stewing over past betrayals. You
don’t necessarily have to forgive them for them. Forgive them foryourself.
others for hurting you. Don’t waste your life stewing over past betrayals. You
don’t necessarily have to forgive them for them. Forgive them foryourself.
19. Always remember that you are beautiful. It’s as simple as that.
20. Don’t be afraid to dream. Make a list of 30 things you want to do before you
are 30. And if you feel comfortable enough, share your lists with me. If enough
people share, I will share my list with you all.
are 30. And if you feel comfortable enough, share your lists with me. If enough
people share, I will share my list with you all.
Twenty years from now you will be more disappointed by the things that you didn’t do than by the ones you did do. So throw off the bowlines. Catch the trade winds in your sails. Explore. Dream. Discover.– Mark Twain.
Monday, September 3, 2012
Confession #7: Ahh, Cranberries.
A staple of the fall. There aren’t many fruits that are so beautiful in nature, add spice to our home decor, and taste so wonderful in our desserts.
I love the idea of filling candle holders with cranberries (apparently the cranberries last for a while, so that’s a plus). It is refreshing to see an autumn decoration that is chic and elegant. I have seen far to many fake leave strands and plastic pumpkins and it’s only the beginning of September! Pinterest is definitely going to be my go-to for autumn decorations this year!
And now to the yummy part of this blog post….my famous cranberry apple crisp recipe. People have been trying to steal this recipe from me for years! Ok, I’m lying. It’s actually not famous at all but it is incredible and will make you super popular with all your friends and family.
What You Will Need..Bottom Layer2.5 pounds of apples (approximately 5 apples), diced
One 12 oz bag of cranberries (can be frozen)
3/4 cup of sugar
3 tablespoons of flour
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract8
One 12 oz bag of cranberries (can be frozen)
3/4 cup of sugar
3 tablespoons of flour
2 teaspoons of cinnamon
1 teaspoon vanilla extract8
Topping1 and 1/2 cups of old fashioned oats
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of butter, melted
3/4 cup of brown sugar
1/2 cup of all-purpose flour
1/2 cup of butter, melted
1. Preheat the oven to 375 degrees F
2. Spray a 9X13 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.
3. In a large bowl, add the bottom layer ingredients and mix well.
4. Transfer the mixture to the baking dish.
5. In another bowl, mix the topping ingredients.
6. Spread the topping evenly over the mix and bake uncovered for approximately 1
7. Let cool for 15 minutes before enjoying.
2. Spray a 9X13 baking dish with non-stick cooking spray.
3. In a large bowl, add the bottom layer ingredients and mix well.
4. Transfer the mixture to the baking dish.
5. In another bowl, mix the topping ingredients.
6. Spread the topping evenly over the mix and bake uncovered for approximately 1
7. Let cool for 15 minutes before enjoying.
Happy eating, everyone!
Sunday, September 2, 2012
Confession #6: I like to wake up on my own accord.
My cats have a bad habit of waking me up at 5 or 6 a.m. to let me know that they are hungry. This consists of trying to dig me out of my blankets, standing on my chest and meowing in my face, or knocking things off my bedside cabinet. They are true warriors and refuse to abort their mission until I get up to feed them. Needless to say, this can get quite frustrating.
Then this little beauty came into my life…the Crown Majestic Diamond Series Automatic Pet Feeder (Edit: they used to sell it on Amazon but it is now unavailable).
I have it set so that it feeds them at 6 in the morning, a snack at 2 and dinner at 7. They love it almost as much as I do.
So when I stumbled across this video, I died. My cats aren’t quite this hilarious but they sure do make me laugh.
Saturday, September 1, 2012
Confession #5: Attempting to become a CPA is scary.
As some of you may know, but most of you probably don’t, the CPA exam is the bane of many accountant’s existence. It is four exams that cover every single little detail of accounting that I never wanted to know. Let’s just say I have dedicated two college degrees to accounting and I have now sacrificed any remnants of a social life so that one day I can be a CPA. (Note: The picture above is Cal showing me what she thinks of me studying all day and not paying attention to her)
In fact, the CPA gods are angry with me for writing this blog instead of studying. Oops.
Comedic relief:
Q: When does a person decide to become an accountant?
A: When he realizes that he doesn’t have the charisma to become an undertaker.
Q: When does a person decide to become an accountant?
A: When he realizes that he doesn’t have the charisma to become an undertaker.
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